Sunday, February 20, 2011

Balancing Home, Work and School

Now more than ever, most of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. We have Full time jobs, families and just when we seem to "manage" that, the realization hits... "I need to go back to school". Whether it's to finish a degree, upgrade a skill or completely change careers, it must be done.

But how? There's still only 24 hours in a day and approximately 8 of those we've given to our jobs- which let's face it, we need. And if you know like I do, children will occupy what's left- and sometimes, interfere in those that are designated elsewhere.

I have compiled a list (just 3 quick tips because I know you don't even have the to read this article) on ways to save yourself a little time.

#1. Cook more than one meal at a time. I have weekends off, so i would cook for my family on Sunday for the entire week... It doesn't take much extra time but saved me plenty during the week.

#2. Use your commute as "me time". Kinda sucks, but it's better than not having any! I LOVE music and I rarely talk on the phone while in the car... I hang out. I enjoy my music, arrange my day and MAKE NOTE of things that need to be done...  At a later time.
SIDE NOTE: whenever possible- leave work AT WORK.

#3. Is the hardest. I took a course that required little to no homework, buy that's my field of study as I made a complete career change. It won't be that easy for most people but remember, there are online classes (no commute time) Tele-classes (to be done at your convenience) and when neither of those are possible, have your kids help you study. That shows them how important studying is and it can also be classified as quality time. Hey, whatever works, right?

Nothing beats the necessity of a great support system. If it's just to buy you a little free time, run errands with the kids while you study or give you 30 minutes to refocus; having someone in your corner makes things more doable. If there is no one, take a vacation day from work. Don't tell anyone and make sure the kids are in school/daycare!
Good Luck!

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